A myriad of Motivation Seminars is available.
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The Way of the Martial Arts
Brain Booster for Confidence & Peak Performance

Brain Booster for Confidence & Peak Performance

(An employee motivational development program)



1-Day Course




 It's time to fire up the enthusiasm   of your employees!

 It's time to awaken them to move away   from their mediocre performance mindset!

 Motivation boosts enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is the fuel that drives employees to jointly excel & move on towards greater heights.

~ Developing a Growth Mind-set to Achieve Peak-Performance ~

"This Seminar is for anyone & everyone who lacks the desire to up-perform"


Benefits from this Program:

Changing your mindset can have several benefits, including:

Decrease stress - Increased resilience - Boost positivity - Enhanced motivation - Higher self-esteem - Coping with challenges - Increased engagement and morale - Bring forth their best effort - Unearth their hidden potentials - Not be grounded on minor issues - Better focus and committed to responsibilities - Improve ability to work through challenges - Help solve problems - Provides a constant boost of energy - Become more creative - Leads to better relationships - Can give great encouragement when confidence is lacking - Stay motivated and active - Willing to embrace change - Overcome fears etc.



Why is this motivation program ideal for your staffs?


There may be various reasons, such as:

1.    Refusal or reluctant to accept additional workload

2.    Performing averagely and unwilling to up-perform

3.    Do just enough work to justify being employed

4.    Freeze because of major changes

5.    Easily influenced negatively by others

6.    Have developed many bad habits

7.    Not agreeable with new & better ideas

8.    Misuse of time

9.    Not loyal & lack sincerity towards management

10.  Do work hastily & often make mistakes

11.  Lack focus on work and is easily distracted by trivia

12.  Not punctual to work

13.  Hardly deliver assignments on time

14.  Like to gossip and back-talk

15.  Poor work ethics

16.  Mix personal feelings with duties

17.  Racist & gender bias

18.  Judgmental and/or temperamental

19.  Not interested to improve

20.  Lack team-spirit and cooperation



1.  Understanding Who You Are (All you need is a new mind)
2.  The Mechanics of Paradigms (paradigm effect-paradigm paralysis-paradigm shift)
3.  De-freezing the Mind (From Static Mindset to Growth Mindset)
4.  Understanding the Past to Know the Future (Time to visualize)
5.  Don’t be a Victim of Polarity Thinking
6.  Revolutionizing your Approach to Work
7.  Innovation & Creativity
8.  Awakening through Embracing Change & Accepting Challenges
9.  Becoming a Futuristic Person in Life & at Work
10. Manage your Time - Time is Life!
11. Know that Everyone is a Leader (Awakening the leadership spirit in you)
12. The Negative Cob-webs of Life
13. Be Confident, be Positive - Take Calculated Risks!
14. Strengthen your Adversity Quotient & Improve your Emotional Quotient
15. No more Monday Blues!
16. Get Out of the Rocking Chair Syndrome
17. Do Not be a Calculathief (Up-perform by doing more than you are paid!)
18. Develop a Healthy Competitive Spirit (Do not be engulf by envy & jealousy)
19. The Definition of P.R.O.B.L.E.M.S
20. Understanding the Different Types of Personality at Work and take Advantage of their Strengths
21. Manage your Stress (Stress is a hindrance to performance)
22. Uplift your Conscience thru’ through the 3-Levels of Forgiveness
23. Nega-Thieves are the Worst Thieves - Get Rid of Them Now!
24. The 3 Path towards Personal Transformation & Success
25. The 5 Qualities of Self-empowered People
26. Learn to Unconditionally Appreciate Teamwork under any Circumstances
27. Discovering your Potential (Don't let it be buried 6 feet under when your time is up)
28. The 7 Windows of Success (mental-spiritual-social-family-career-financial-physical)
29. Understanding the ‘Levels of Satisfaction’
30. Get Out of the Roller-Coaster of Change Resistance
31. Establishing your Purpose in Life

32. Paying the Price to Achieve Success & Happiness

33. Transformation is Now! (Your Future is your Responsibility)



Employee motivation is important because it can: 

·     Improve productivity

Motivated employees are more likely to be engaged in their work and produce quality work. 

·     Increase profitability

Motivated employees can help a company reach its goals and contribute to its overall success. 

·     Reduce absenteeism

Motivated employees are less likely to be absent from work. 

·     Improve employee retention

Motivated employees are more likely to stay with the company, which can reduce turnover rates and recruitment costs. 

·     Create a positive work environment

Motivated employees can foster a more cooperative and encouraging environment at work


DURATION: One Day (From 9am to 5pm)



Interactive lecture – EQ & AQ development – Coaching – Continuous motivation – Brain storming – Inspirational Songs – Light activities – Exclusive Video clips


PROFESSIONAL FEE: as arranged – depending on location and number of participants





Professor (Dr) William Leon Chua is the Founder and Principal Consultant of DRC Management & Training PLT (formerly known as COMBATIVE RESOURCES Worldwide). The name COMBATIVE RESOURCES was chosen to reflect the seriousness in the mission to assist Companies to compete effectively & successfully.


The trainer is a sought-after management consultant; and compelling corporate trainer & motivator on leadership, team-building, interpersonal & communication skills, strategic marketing, advance professional selling skills, customer service, corporate & social ethics, mind-set change and high-performance management etc. He speaks to audiences around the Asia-Pacific Region, and occasionally in Europe.


He is the director and producer of two corporate training videos – ‘Manifestation & Transformation’ and ‘The Kung-Fu of Business Management’. The video ‘Manifestation & Transformation’, a paradigm-shifting video that challenges our thoughts in tandem with what Mother Nature has to offer and that success is within everyone’s reach. As for the video ‘The Kung-Fu of Business Management’, it’s offers an effective expound on Age Old Wisdom with the Way of Modern Management. William is able to infuse the maxims, concepts and philosophy of the Martial Arts into the essence of Modern Management based on his more than 30 years involvement in the Martial Arts. Both videos offer learnable and measurable skills that make organizations more competitive, more profitable, managers more leadership driven, people more productive and relationships more positively energizing.

He was a member of the Malaysia Association of Professional Speakers (MAPS), Malaysia Institute of Management & the Malaysia Insurance Institute. He is a registered corporate trainer with the Human Resource Development Corporation of Malaysia (HRDC) since 1999. Academically - he has acquired a BA majoring in Psychology and a PhD in Organizational Behavior including a Diploma in Sales Management & a Diploma in Business & Management. He was awarded with an Honorary Doctorate in Business Management & Psychology by the MSICC.

In the past he has worked in a managerial capacity with eleven companies including multi-nationals, both locally in Malaysia and in Canada & Hawaii; designated in various positions, some of which are – Branch Manager, Agency Manager, Group Marketing Manager, Group Human Resource Manager, General Manager & CEO.

His working exposure in industries such as financial & investment, construction & manufacturing, time-share & hospitality etc. has complemented his academic achievements to enable him as an effective management consultant & corporate trainer. Since 1999 he has facilitated a myriad of seminars to about 500 companies, some of which are: ING Insurance, Cerebros, TA Investment, TQS Enterprise, The Edge Communications, UCB Pharma, Unisem, VIA Communication Network, RHB Bank, RHB Unit Trust, Alliance Bank, Asia Life, American Home Assurance, Amanah Saham Sarawak, Chartered Bank, Hong Leong Bank, Hong Leong Unit Trust, Wing Tiek Holdings, Mitsui Sumitomo, Amassurance, Techdos, PBDS, Toyota, Honda, Brother International, Basis Bay, Blue Scope Steel, BTV Productions, Betamek Electronics, Affin Bank, Boilercare, Miri Port Authority, Bintulu Port Authority, Paramount Property Development, ISL Services, Infiniti Medical, IOI Loders Croklaan Oils, Pantai Medical Center, SPC Industries, SNC Consolidated, Syntronic, Synergy Worldwide, P & O Global, PGF Insulation, Innosabah Securities, Jashin Cabins, SkyNet Worldwide, Sime Darby Travel, Top Glove, Epcos, Eli Lili, Eisai, Tashin Steel, Eliston Engineering, Exxon Mobil, Farmchochem, Techdos, Tekla, Total Oil Malaysia, TH Properties, KDU, Nottingham University, KDU, Nottingham University, TT Engineering & Manufacturing and many more.


His fields of expertise on corporate training among many other soft skills programs include:

(1) A wide range of Leadership Development Skills Programs,

(2) A series of Corporate Teambuilding & Team-bonding,

(3) Interpersonal & Communication Skills,

(4) Corporate Ethics & Discipline,

(5) Sun Tzu Art of War in Strategic Marketing,

(6) Professional Selling & Negotiation Skills,

(7) Sales Motivation,

(8) Sales Psychology,

(9) The Sales Samurai,

(10) a wide range of Customer Service Programs,

(11) Public Speaking Skills,

(12) Mind-set Change,

(13) Personal Development,

(14) Time Mastery & Goals Getting,

(15) Creative Thinking & Problem Solving,

(16) The Six Thinking Hats,

(17) Confidence & Power in Dealing with People,

(18) Stress Management,

(19) Security Management,

(20) Telephonic Skills,

(21) Grooming & Personality Enhancement etc.


"Vision provides direction, Direction provides purpose, Purpose enhances passion, and Passion empowers you with Enthusiasm & Commitment" 

- Quote: Professor (Dr) William Leon Chua

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A myriad of Motivation Seminars is available.