Corporate Teabuilding & Teambonding, teambuilder, teambuilding programme, teambonding, corporate teaming workshop, employees teambuilding, hrdc approved teambuilding program, psmb approved teambuilding workshop, teamwork
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  Training Programme
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Leadership and Management Seminars
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Public Seminars for Year 2024
Teambuilding-Teambonding Workshops
The Way of the Martial Arts
Corporate Teambuilding & Teambonding


(A challenging, exciting & pragmatic 2-Days Team-up session)

MISSION:  Unification towards a harmonious & productive work environment


Effective, Challenging & Highly motivating


Highly Motivating

üExpounds on developing an overall leadership culture

üEmphasize on the building blocks of team-excellence.



(A successful team beats with one heart)



Many Team-building Programs fail to address the issues of:

Overall Leadership Development, Adapting to Change, Innovation & Creativity, Diffusing Conflict, Improving Coordination, Improving Supervisory Skills, Fellowship Bonding, Positive-Emotional Bonding, Intellectual Bonding. Improving the Psychological Work Environment, The Need for Management Processes Renewal, The Need for Designing New Strategies and Lacking in Powerful Motivational Content. This Team-building Program covers all these and more, with exciting motivational lectures and activities for simulation in the actual work environment. It is fun, it is exciting, and it is practical. All in all, the training will focus on motivation, employees bonding, overall leadership development, character building and ways towards improving inter-departmental coordination & employees’ productivity

Unlike any other Team-building Program, this exclusive program also expounds on the core of Personal Development, Effective Communication, the Mechanics of Leadership, and the Dynamic Principles of Corporate Ethics & Teamwork. It directly relates to striking a Winning Balance for business renewal and growth. It impacts on business development and the strategic intent for managing change. The session is heavy on motivational values and psychological in approach, tuned to achieve the requisite catharsis (an experience or feeling of spiritual release and purification brought about by an intense emotional experience). The 4 Levels of Bonding will be achieved: Fellowship Bonding, Intellectual Bonding, Emotional Bonding and Task Bonding.


Special Highlights of the Workshop

 Enhancing Teamwork through Leadership & Personal Development

 Powerful Leadership Qualities of the Warriors as Team Players

 Self-Empowerment Principles of Team Warriors

 Inter-relating Business with Warfare to Expound on the Importance of Corporate


 Ethics as derived from the Code of the Warriors

 Combative Team-bonding Principles of the Warriors

 Winning Principles for Building Bridges into the Future - What everyone should know?

 Initiating the Leader-Shift towards cultivating a winning Team Culture

 Progress through Managing Change as a Unified Team

 Initiating the Road Map to High Performance Management as a Committed Team

 Team Commitment to Mission & Vision


Your recent Team-building Program didn't work the last time? You do want to upgrade efficiency and high performance within the organization and still believe that TEAMWORK can do to help in a great way?

Answer 'Yes' or 'No' to the following Questions:

1.       My people are very inter-dependent and do not hesitate to help each other?

2.       Our staff morale and enthusiasm are very high

3.       Leadership is apparent all round in my organization

4.       There is absolutely no conflict and personal friction in my organization

5.       Quality Productivity is now much higher than ever before?

6.       Complaints from customers have been absolutely minimized

7.       There is great harmony and trust in my organization

If you answered 'NO' to any of these questions, contact us to help you answer 'YES'.






Registration & Get Ready for the Workshop.


Introduction & Overview / Understanding the Objectives of the Workshop.


Transformation = Mind-set Change & Shifting towards

establishing a Leadership Culture & Team-Excellence Paradigm.


Fellowship Bonding – Defining it Taking the Steps to Bond (with Teaming Activities).




The Repercussions & Pains of Poor Teamwork.


Overcoming FEAR and embracing CHANGE as a Team.


Developing Adversity Quotient to Accept Challenges to overcome problems -Nothing

is Impossible / Courage Building with Teaming Activities.




The Philosophy & Reality of Time Management with Activities to Endorse the Power of Timing & Coordination.


Understanding the Law of the Niche.

Endorsing Stability on the Placement of People (with Teaming Activities).


Identifying the Personalities & Qualities of Team-players.




Empowering Unity - Re-defining Corporate Ethics.


Enhancement of Team-Performance via Effective Communication Techniques.

Endorsing the Power of Communication (with Teaming Activities).


Recap, Review & Evaluation of the Events of Day-One of the Workshop.







Check in into the Training Hall & Get Ready for the Workshop!!!


The Combative Laws of Team-Warriors as applied to Companies in the 21st Century


Composition of Team Songs & Warriors’ Dance.




The Principle of the S.W.O.R.D. / The Way of the Samurai.


Swordsmanship - Expounding on Equanimity & Supervisory Skills.


Endorsing the Commitment for Leadership, Unification & Team-Excellence.




Understanding the Advantages of ‘Change'.

Endorsing the Need to Change (with Teaming Activities).


The Ultimate Team-Warriors’ Journey - Expounding on leadership qualities, strength

& weaknesses, strategies, courage, perseverance, endurance etc.




Reinforcing Forgiveness & Uplifting the Spirit of Harmony in Teamwork.


Team Acceleration Requirements.


The Definition of High-Performance Teamwork.

Endorsing the Commitment to Achieve Higher Performance.


Recap, Review & Evaluation of the 2-day Workshop.






Attire: Dress comfortably for action (avoid skirts, tight jeans, high-heels & leather shoes)



Interactive Principle-Cantered Lectures – Continuous Motivation – Exciting & Challenging Corporate Games for work-place simulation – Exclusive Videos - Brainstorming - Syndicate Work. What makes this Team-building seminar / workshop unique is that it expounds on the powerful leadership principles of the Samurais and their impeccable teamwork in direct correlation with the Corporate Business of the 21st Century.


This Program follows the Eight (8) Levels Learning Approach when implementing and designing team building workshops:

1. Motivation - To move participants into the absolute Leadership & Dynamic Team Paradigm

2. Goal Setting - Establish desired outcomes.

3. Awareness - Appreciating the relationship between peers and co-workers

4. Trust - Accepting that for the goals of the 'big picture', all have a trusted role

5. Cooperative Activities - Exercises that require group cohesion and foster a sense of accomplishment

6. Group Challenge - Problem solving activities which tie group experience to the employment setting

7. Extended Challenge - Challenge activities which encourage participants to

8. stretch themselves beyond perceived limits.

9. Transference / Application - After Action Reviews for learning transference and/or follow-up phases


Conflict is inevitable in a team ... In fact, to achieve synergistic solutions, a variety of approaches are needed to make it possible.


* Team Caterpillar Race * The Human Pyramid * The Great Wall of China *The Challenge-Journey * The Commando Challenge * Magic Carpet * The Team-Warriors Dance *Human Escalator * He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Brother * Alaskan Crab Walk * The Composition of Team-Songs * Bullet Train * Mission Impossible and many more!!!!

NB: These challenging corporate games/activities will be related to human behaviours, attitude & specific areas of the workplace. Thru’ such simulations will allow the identification of strength & weaknesses for rectifications.





Mr. C M Wong - Managing Director, Axis Systems Sdn. Bhd. 

Master William is an excellent instructor for team-building seminars. He
can hold the audience attention effortlessly. Its ideally very principle-cantered & motivating. I highly recommend the training to any Organization who needs his services".


Kwan Teck Cheong - Senior Manager (Training & Development), Star Cruises

A great & pragmatic team-building workshop with a lasting impression! Unlike any other team-building training I find the approach highly motivating. The objectives were thoroughly met. Thanks to Master William Leon Chua.


D. Brodie - General Manager, Dej Tech Sdn. Bhd.

"Master William’s team-building workshop is simply unique with magical illusion and the warriors’ approach. It is principle-based and objective-driven unlike other similar team-building workshops that lack the elements for building lasting teamwork. William's team-building workshop is definitely the best I've ever attended".



(Corporate Teambuilding Specialist & Motivator since 1999)


“Teamwork is the ability to work together towards a common vision, the ability to direct team accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results”.

William is the principle consultant of DRC Management & Training PLT. He is sought-after corporate teambuilder and compelling corporate management trainer & motivator on leadership, interpersonal skills & communication skills, strategic marketing, professional selling skills, customer service, corporate & social ethics, mind-set change, and high-performance management etc. He speaks to audiences around the Asia-Pacific Region, and occasionally in Europe. He is the director and producer of two corporate training videos: ˜Manifestation & Transformation and ˜The Kung-Fu of Business Management”.  The video ˜Manifestation & Transformation”, a paradigm-shifting video that challenges our thoughts in tandem with what Mother Nature has to offer and that success is within everyone’s reach. As for the video ˜The Kung-Fu of Business Management”, a great expound on Age Old Wisdom with the Way of Modern Management. William is able to infuse the maxims, concepts and philosophy of the Martial Arts into the essence of Modern Management based on his more than 30 years involvement in the Martial Arts. Both videos offer learnable and measurable skills that make organizations more competitive, more profitable, managers more leadership driven, people more productive and relationships more positively energizing. He is a member of the Malaysia Association of Professional Speakers (MAPS) and a registered corporate trainer with the Human Resource Development Corporation of Malaysia (HRDC).

Academically - he has acquired a Diploma in Sales Management, a BA majoring in Psychology, and a PhD in Organizational Behaviour. In the past he has worked in a managerial capacity with eleven multi-national companies, both locally in Malaysia and in Canada & Hawaii; designated in various positions, some of which are: Branch Manager, Agency Manager, Group Marketing Manager, Group Human Resource Manager, General Manager & CEO. His working exposures in industries such as financial & investment, construction & manufacturing, time-share & hospitality etc. has complemented his academic mind-set to enable him as an effective management consultant & corporate team-builder. Since 1999 he has facilitated a myriad of seminars to more than 500 Companies. Besides, he has also trained more than 2,000 of his disciples in the way of the multi-skills martial arts from year 1982 to 2000. His ability to train, groom and coach his disciples’ team spirit has enabled them to win several championships.  

To-date, he has conducted training to more than 700 companies, some of which are: ING Insurance, Cerebros, TA Investment, TQS Enterprise, The Edge Communications, UCB Pharma, Unisem, VIA Communication Network, RHB Bank, RHB Unit Trust, SPC Industries, Alliance Bank, Asia Life, American Home Assurance, Amanah Saham Sarawak, Farmchochem, Chartered Bank, Hong Leong Bank, Hong Leong Unit Trust, Wing Tiek Holdings, Mitsui Sumitomo, Amassurance, Techdos, PBDS, Toyota, Honda, Brother International, Basis Bay, Blue Scope Steel, BTV Productions, Betamek Electronics, Affin Bank, Boilercare, Bintulu Port Authority, Paramount Property Development, ISL Services, Infiniti Medical, IOI Loders Croklaan Oils, Pantai Medical Center,  SNC Consolidated, Syntronic, Synergy Worldwide, P & O Global, PGF Insulation, Innosabah Securities, Jashin Cabins, SkyNet Worldwide, Sime Darby Travel, Top Glove, Epcos, Eli Lili, Eisai, Tashin Steel, Eliston Engineering, Exxon Mobil,  Techdos, Tekla, Total Oil Malaysia, TH Properties, TT Engineering & Manufacturing,  Daihatsu, Duromac, Deck Master, Dataware Sdn Bhd, Drives & Automation, Trans-Asia Shipping Corporation, Toyoma Aluminium Foil Packaging, Tesa Tape (M) Sdn Bhd, TH Properties, Tricubes Berhad, Telekom Applied Business, Tohtonku and many more.

DRC Management & Training PLT


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Corporate Teabuilding & Teambonding, teambuilder, teambuilding programme, teambonding, corporate teaming workshop, employees teambuilding, hrdc approved teambuilding program, psmb approved teambuilding workshop, teamwork